HOMER Campaign : Mooring time series

Located in Northwestern France, the Bay of Brest constitutes a coastal macrotidal and semi-enclosed ecosystem marked with fast mixing exchanges with the Atlantic Ocean through a narrow and deep channel to its west-side. To study the intensity of current in small coves, two moorings were deployed with ADCP on the seabed and temperature sensors at different levels. They were first put in the « Anse de l’Auberlac’h » (A) and the « Anse du Fret » (B) for one month and then move to « Lomergat » (C) and the « Anse du Roz » (D) for another month. More detailed informations is given in the deployment sum-up table. ADCP data were processed with WinADCP software and filtered in order to get 10 minutes average data. More technical informations on MASTODON sensor used for temperature measurments can be found in « Mastodon Mooring System To Measure Seabed Temperature, 2015: Lazure P, Le Berre D., Gautier L, 56,10, pp19-22 Sea Technology ».


Physical oceanography


Bay of Brest, Temperature, Current, ADCP


48.338589N, 48.274648S, -4.322571E, -4.512772W


Mooring A
1 MoNetCDFQuality controlled data
Mooring B
1 MoNetCDFQuality controlled data
Mooring C
1 MoNetCDFQuality controlled data
Mooring D
813 KoNetCDFQuality controlled data
Deployment sum-up table
Location of moorings
How to cite
Petton Sebastien, Le Berre David, Haurie Axel, Pouvreau Stephane (2016). HOMER Campaign : Mooring time series. SEANOE. https://doi.org/10.17882/43082

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