======================================= Experimental study of sediment-biota interactions under wave-current conditions: Application to the ecosystem engineer species Crepidula fornicata. --------------------------------------------------------------- Grasso Florent, Jacquet Matthias, Cugier Philippe, Carlier Antoine, Gaffet Jean-Dominique, Androuin Thibault. --------------------------------------------------------------- Ref: http://doi.org/10.17882/54774 May 2017, dataset actualized in June 2018. ======================================= FILE DESCRIPTION: --------------------------------------------------------------- The acoustic and optical measurements collected during the experiments are gathered in the 'ADV' and 'OBS folders', respectively. The file nomenclature is defined as the following: 'Intrument'_'Series-name'_'Scenario-type'.txt (e.g. ADV1_serie0_a_AM.txt) --------------------------------------------------------------- 'Instrument': 'ADV1', 'ADV2' or 'OBS'. ADV1 and ADV2 measurements are located at 13 and 38 cm above the bed level (abl), respectively. ADV files contain the 16 Hz acquisition of the three components (X, Y, Z) of the flow velocity (in m/s) and the Signal Noise Ratio (SNR) (in dB). X is the along-channel direction oriented positive downstream, Y is the cross-channel direction oriented positive inward and Z is the vertical direction oriented positive upward. OBS files contain the 2 Hz acquisition of the turbidity measurements at 13, 18, 23 and 38 cm abl (in NTU). --------------------------------------------------------------- 'Series-name': 'serie0', 'serie1', 'serie2', 'serie3', 'serie4'. serie0: experiments with a bare sediment bed cover; serie1: experiments with sediment and dead shells; serie0: experiments with sediment and living shells; serie0: experiments with sediment and living shells. --------------------------------------------------------------- 'Scenario-type': 'a_AM', a_PM', 'b_AM', b_PM' , 'c_AM' or 'c_PM'. a_AM: hydrodynamic forcing during 5 hours with increasing current from 0 to 0.25Êm/s with steps of 0.05Êm/s and duration of one hour; a_PM: no hydrodynamic forcing during 8 hours following a_AM scenario (settling phase); b_AM: same as a_AM with an additional constant wave forcing (orbital wave velocity of 0.25 m/s); b_PM: no hydrodynamic forcing during 8 hours following b_AM scenario (settling phase); c_AM: same as a_AM; c_PM: no hydrodynamic forcing during 8 hours following c_AM scenario (settling phase). =======================================