---------------- EXPLANATION ---------------- We had 8 abalone per tank (some abalone can be seen with a phosphorescent tag in the tank on the picture), with the possibility to feed on 8 different algae (P, D, H, G, L, B, E, U). Abalone could be individually recognised with the tag In total, 3 repetitions were done. For each repetition, there were 5 tanks with abalone and algae, and 1 tank with only algae In total, 15 tanks were studied Each tank was videotaped during 3 consecutive weeks, 4 days a week. The abalone had no access to food during the 3 other days. ---------------- RAW DATA ---------------- There are few differences between the raw data recorded by the experimenter and the analysed data 1- for the specialist vs generalist data = only the abalone eating at least 3 times during the 3 weeks of experiment were kept 2- Some mistakes were found in the raw data (i.e. abalone considered as eating 24 h = not possible) ---------------- TRANSFORMED RHYTHM DATA ---------------- Raw data transformed to determine the day and night abalone's rhythm ---------------- TRANSF SPECIALIST VS GENERALIST ---------------- Individual feeding behaviour data (generated from the raw data) The total number of visits per algae are presented for the 3-weeks measurements ---------------- TRANSFORMED RANK FEEDING BEHAVIOUR ---------------- Data used to do rank analysis (obtained from the raw data) = to determine algal preference tank = number of the tank feeders = 8 algae (see above for the algae definition) rankvisitot = data transformed in rank for the time spent feeding rankvisitmean = data transformed in rank for the mean feeding bout duration rankvisitnumber = data transformed in rank for the number of feeding visits per day