Table 1 contains the size data. It is presented as a matrice composed in column of sizes ranges from 1.9 to 8 µm (Evry 0.1µm), and of age (bins of 30-kyr centered) from 15 ka (range 0-30 ka) to 1805 ka (range 1790-1820 ka) in lines. Values are the size density in % (the total of each line equal 100). In each core, samples were binned into 30-kyr time windows and standardized in each time window at each site, the numbers contained in each bin are divided by the total number of coccoliths in that time window and multiplied by 100. The size average and variance in these bins are given in Table 2. These tables are used in Figure 1 of Beaufort et al., Nature, 2021. Table 3 contains the MorphoIogical Divergence Index (MDI) values of each sample and the MDI stack. In each sample, individual coccoliths were divided into two size classes: coccoliths longer and shorter than 3 µm. The average (given in Log(pg)) is calculated in both classes. MDI is the difference between the two averages. The stack is issued from an average of 9 MDI records after resampling them at 2 kyr intervals by linear integration. This table is used in Figure 1 of Beaufort et al., Nature, 2021. Table 4 contains the mass accumulation rates of Noelaerhabdaceae coccoliths (NoMAR) values from seven cores (MD05-2920, MD97-2140, U1443, U1448, U1483, U1485, and U1486). It is given in grams per meter square per year. The records have been resampled at 2kyr interval in order to give a common average given in the first column labeled NoMAR. This table is used in Figure 1 of Beaufort et al., Nature, 2021. Table 5 contains morphological data from site U1485 : the MDI values resulting from different calculations : 1) with a difference in size using a mass threshold of 3.16µm (column MDI.3.16pg), and threshold = 3.16pg, with difference in mass using size thresholds of 2.7, 3.0 and 3.6µm (column MDI.2.7µm, MDI.3µm and MDI.3.6µm respectively). The column number provides th number of coccoliths measured, Mass (pg) is the average mass of all coccoliths, and Mass(<3µm) and Mass(>3µm) are the average mass of coccoliths with size inferior and superior to 3 µm respectively. All samples measure in that core is listed in terms of age (the first column). This table is used in Figure 2 of Beaufort et al., Nature, 2021. Table6 contained lists (column) of coccoliths mass (pg) in 4 samples (1.4, 180, 187 and 412 ka) of Site U1485, having size > or < 3µm. This table is used in Figure 2 of Beaufort et al., Nature, 2021. Table 7 : MDI values sorted by low passed eccentricity (e) values and grouped in four ranges of eccentricity : 1) e<0.015; 2) 0.0150.035. The values of eccentricity from Laskar, J. et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics 428, 261-285, (2004) for the last 2.8 Ma sampled at 2kyr, have been filtered with the following low pass filter : yt = 0.979 (2.021*yt-1 - yt-2)*0.000441*xt Age, MDI, eccentricity and filtered eccentricity are given in each category. Those sorted values are those used to construct the Box-Wiskers plots in Figure 4 of Beaufort et al., Nature, 2021 The climatic simulations are presented in the following tables ; # Experiments (Eccentricity, Precession,Obliquity) : C2222ka : 0.054 (E) - 87° (P) - 23.73° (O) C2230ka : 0.053 (E) - 315° (P) - 23.84° (O) C2265ka : 0.026 (E) - 115° (P) - 24.28° (O) C2346ka : 0.034 (E) - 287° (P) - 24.27° (O) C2369ka : 0.016 (E) - 256° (P) - 22.26° (O) C2380ka : 0.006 (E) - 77° (P) - 23.74° (O) C2395ka : 0.005 (E) - 310° (P) - 23.42° (O) # Content of the ATM-Output files T2M : 2m atmospheric temperature (°C) PRECIP : Total precipitation, liquid and solid (kg/(s*m2)) VITU : Zonal wind (m/s) VITV : Meridional wind (m/s) U850 : Zonal wind speed at 850 hPa (m/s) V850 : Meridional wind speed at 850 hPa (m/s) U850 : Zonal wind speed at 200 hPa (m/s) V850 : Meridional wind speed at 200 hPa (m/s) SLP : Sea Level Pressure (mbar) TOPS : Radiations at the top of the atmosphere (W/m2) # Content of the OCE-Outputs-T files SO : Salinity (psu) THETAO : Water Potential Temperature (K) OMLMAX : Mixed Layer Thickness (m) E3T : cell thickness (m) # Content of the OCE-Outputs-W files WO : Sea water vertical velocity (m/s) E3W : W-cell thickness (m) # Content of the OCE-Outputs-U files UO : Sea water zonal velocity (m/s) E3U : U-cell thickness (m) # Content of the OCE-Outputs-V files VO : Sea water meridional velocity (m/s) E3V : V-cell thickness (m) # Content of the BIOO-Outputs files TPP : Total Primary productivity (mol/m3/s) PAR : Photosynthetically Available Radiation (W/m2) NO3 : Nitrate Concentration (mmol/L) PO4 : Phosphate Concentration (mmol/L) The file contains all the information about grid dimension that might be necessary to do calculation on the outputs.