Exlanation of data files PopDataCKMR_Gironde.Rdata and PopDataCKMR_offshore.Rdata R version 4.0.3 Data objects birthyears (vector): calendar birthyears of offspring and parents yconst (vector): starting year, corresponds to 1 in Data Data (list): first_y // first year (=earliest birth year) (calendar year - yconst) last_y // last year (=latest birth year) (calendar year - yconst) first_yS // first year of sampling years as relative index (calendar year - yconst) last_yS // last year of (tissue ) sampling years (calendar year - yconst) n_l // number of length classes (columns) for matrices F_age_length and M_age_length; length in cm starting at 1 cm MPOPobs // table for maternal POP, same categories as MSamp & JSamp: Length Par, Length Off, Sampling year Par, Sampling year Off, number PPOPob // table for paternatl POP, same categories as PSamp & JSamp: Length Par, Length Off, Sampling year Par, Sampling year Off, number Nm // number of rows in MSamp Np // number of rows in PSamp Nj // number of rows in JSamp MSamp // table for number of sampled individuals that are potential mothers: Length id (cm), sampling year id (calendar year - yconst), N PSamp // table for number of sampled individuals that are potential fathers : Length id (cm), sampling year id (calendar year - yconst), N JSamp // table for number of potential offspring : Length id (cm), sampling year id (calendar year - yconst), N is_mature_F // probability matrix for female i being mature (1 mature, 0 immature) at birth of offspring j dimension (birth years i x birth years j) is_mature_M // probability matrix for male i being mature at birth of offspring j dimension (birth year i x birth year j) is_alive // id (0 or 1) matrix for individual i being alive at birth of j dimension (first_yS:last_yS x first_y:last_y) is_born // id matrix for individual with birth year i being born at birth j dimension (first_y:last_y) x (first_y:last_y) Agemax // number of age classes in PAgeLength.F/M matrices F_age_length // matrix (age classes x length classes) with conditional probability of age given length for females M_age_length // matrix (age classes x length classes) with conditional probability of age given length for males