Glider MIA CTD DT spring 2018

The Slocum G2 Glider MIA was deployed in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea, in May-June 2018. The glider sampled an 18 km long section (S–N direction). This data set is the processed delayed time CTD data from that mission. Processing included applying standard quality control and considering response times and thermal lag. The data were binned, and half YOS were arranged as profiles, meaning the variables in the data set are presented as 2D fields.


Physical oceanography


sea water temperature, sea water conductivity, sea water pressure, sea water practical salinity, sea water absolute salinity, sea water conservative temperature, sea water sigma theta


59.77N, 59.56S, 25.02E, 25.21W


The pumped Seabird CTD model G-1451 (serial no. 9116) is mounted on the glider and samples at the rate of 0.5 Hz. The accuracy for pressure is 0.1% of the full range (0–200 m), for temperature 0.002 °C, and for conductivity 0.01 mS cm-1. The sensor was calibrated 2013-09-03.


59 MoNetCDFProcessed data
How to cite
Salm KAI, Liblik TAAVI, Lips URMAS (2021). Glider MIA CTD DT spring 2018. SEANOE.

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