Cuvelier, D., Van Audenhaege, L., Matabos, M., and J. Sarrazin. 2023. Vent assemblages from 1994 to 2008 at the Eiffel Tower hydrothermal edifice. Seanoe. This DOI contains annotations of assemblages, substrata and vent outflows performed on photomosaics of Eiffel Tower from images retrieved during cruises from 1994 to 2008. Annotations for each year and side of the edifice were stored as .psd files following the annotation protocol of Cuvelier et al. 2011. Those files contain annotation saved as layers. They can be displayed using the IrfanView software, for instance. Layers stored in each .psd file were extracted and the mosaics of assemblage cover and substrata for each year and side were isolated in .png files. Colours were detected in each ,png image using a loop detecting throughout all pixels, in Python using the psd-tools package. As one RGB code was dedicated for each assemblage/substratum, it allowed us to allocate a cover assemblage/substratum for each pixel. To improve the results of cover allocation to pixels, we allowed a range of +/- 10 around the RGB code. The total cover was calculated as the total number of pixels that were annotated as a given assemblage or substratum. Please contact for any question.