Measurement of ship-generated waves and runup in Saint-Lawrence river - Canada

This dataset was collected as part of a joint project by the Laurentian Pilotage Authority, Innovation Maritime and Université du Québec à Rimouski  to assess the impact of marine shipping on the banks of the Saint-Laurent between Deschaillons and the Lake Saint-Pierre.


Physical oceanography


Waves, Ship Wake, Marine shipping, Wave runup


46.687282N, 46.364692S, -71.917481E, -72.423741W


  • Nortek AWAC-AST  1MHz (Acoustic Wave and Current Profiler)
  • Nortek Aquadopp Profiler
  • RBR pressure sensor Solo
  • Camera Axis
Instrument coordinates
Instrument name Latitude Longitude Start End
RBR2 46.57969 -72.10509 2023-06-26 2023-08-15
RBR3 46.58021 -72.10296 2023-06-26 2023-08-07
RBR1 46.56082 -72.10476 2023-06-26 2023-07-12
AWAC-AST 46.56964 -72.10412 2023-06-26 2023-07-12
AQUADOPP 46.58006 -72.10341 2023-06-26 2023-09-26
AXIS CAMERA 46.56092 -72.10605 2023-06-29 2023-07-06



FileSizeFormatProcessingAccessend of embargo
Aquadopp data
60 Moprf, wadRaw data 2024-06-01
58 MowprRaw data 2024-06-01
Pressure sensors (RBR1, RBR2, RBR3 )
216 Mo.mat (matlab)Quality controlled data -
swash extraction from camera video
370 Mo.mat, jpg,Processed data 2025-01-01
How to cite
Baudry Jeremy, Didier David, Dumont Dany, Bluteau Cynthia (2024). Measurement of ship-generated waves and runup in Saint-Lawrence river - Canada. SEANOE.

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