--------------------------------------------------------- Phytoplankton occurrence and abundance data Abracos 1 & 2 2024/02/27 Type of File: CSV Decimal point: "." Separator: ";" --------------------------------------------------------- These files contain nano- and microphytoplankton data collected during the Abracos 1 and Abracos 2 surveys: 1. A global species list including 362 taxa with their complete taxonomy and the link to the images database (https://data.oreme.org/plankton/plankton_gallery/index/phyto#photo_taxon_list) 2. A table indicating Biovolumes and Carbon content cells for the 243 taxa counted in rosette phytoplankton samples 3. Occurrence data from phytoplankton net samples (rectangular table with samples as rows and taxa as columns) - 0 if absent / 1 if present 4. Count data from rosette samples (rectangular table with samples as rows and taxa as columns) - Nb individuals .10^3 / litre Net samples protocol: Vertical strokes (200-0m when we could, or background-0) were realised with 20 μm mesh-size net for species identification and pictures capture. They were concentrated in 250mL bottles then fixed with buffered formaldehyde at 4 % final concentration and stored at room temperature in the dark until analysis. Counts samples protocols: > Abraços 1 Phytoplankton communities have been collected in seawater samples (about 1000mL) collected using Niskin bottles mounted on rosette at different stations and depths during the cruise. They were fixed with lugol at 4% final concentration and stored at 4°C in the dark until analysis. > Abraços 2 Phytoplankton communities have been collected in seawater samples (2000mL) collected using Niskin bottles mounted on rosette at different stations and depths during the cruise. These 2L were concentrated with filtration on 5µm 47mm PC filters, and resuspended in 30mL of 0.2µm seawater. They were fixed with lugol at 4% final concentration and stored at 4°C in the dark until analysis. 1. Phytoplankton_Global_Species_List_Abracos1_Abracos2.csv This table lists all phytoplankton species observed in Abraços 1 and 2 samples and their taxonomy : Phytoplankton net and rosette samples. Identifications were established at the highest possible taxonomic level (class, genus or species) according to - among others – Taylor (1976), Balech (1988), Licea et al. (1995), Tomas et al. (1997), Tenenbaum (2006), Gomez et al. (2008) and Hoppenrath et al. (2009) and verified using the WorMs "World Register of Marine Species" (http://www.marinespecies.org). We used AphiaID species denomination of WorMs and Algaebase bases to identify taxons and connect our base with these ones. Like that we benefit of taxonomy evolution reported in these big world referent bases. Each species (when it was possible) has been photographed. Species observation and images were performed using an upright microscope (AxioScope 1 Zeiss) equipped with a AxioCam MRc Zeiss camera for net samples and an inverted microscope (TCM 400 Labomed) equipped with a iVu 5000 Labomed camera. All available species pictures have been added to a database of world phytoplankton recognition and identification (author: Claire Carré and Juliette Fabre, University of Montpellier, France). The 'Phytoplankton_Global_Species_List_Abracos1_Abracos2.csv’ reports the link to this database in front of species. The link to this database is: https://data.oreme.org/plankton/plankton_gallery/index/phyto NB: Pennate 10 = Pennée 10 Pennate 16 = Pennée 16 (in French in the database) We indicated for each species/taxon their food behaviour: autotrophic, heterotrophic, mixotrophic. The file 'Phytoplankton_Global_Species_List_Abracos1_Abracos2.csv’ contains the following data/columns: KINGDOM Taxon taxonomic kingdom name Chromista / Plantae / Bacteria / NaN PHYLUM Taxon taxonomic phylum name Ex: Ochrophyta CLASS Taxon taxonomic class name Ex: Bacillariophyceae ORDER Taxon taxonomic order name Ex: Coscinodiscales FAMILY Taxon taxonomic family name Ex: Heliopeltaceae GENUS Taxon taxonomic genus name Ex: Actinoptychus SPECIES Species or identification/differentiating highest rank Ex: sp, spp, sp1, sp2, tessalatum, 31 ID_TAXON Taxonomic identification Unique taxonomic identifier including sp, sp1, etc. (ex: Amphisolenia schroederi, Asterionella sp2) COMMENTS Reminder of changes/refinements in identification over time; explanations linked to taxon counting methods AphiaID Species denomination in WorMs and Algaebase bases (number - 6 digits) Images_links Link to available images of taxa inserted in C. Carré's phytoplankton image databas If available, "https://data.oreme.org/plankton/plankton_gallery/index/phyto" Food_behaviour Information of the food behaviour of the taxon Autotrophic / Heterotrophic / Mixotrophic 2. Phytoplankton_Biovolumes_Carbon_Abracos1_Abracos2.csv This table presents Biovolumes and Carbon content cells for each species observed and counted in Abraços 1 and 2 rosette phytoplankton samples. Biovolumes (expressed in µm3) of each taxon were determined with bibliography (as Harrison et al 2015) when known, or measured according to Hillebrand (1999) and Sun and Liu (2003). Carbon cell (expressed in pgC/cell) were calculated according to Menden-Deuer & Lessard (2000). The file 'Phytoplankton_Biovolumes_Carbon_Abracos1_Abracos2.csv’, for each taxon, contains the following data/columns: [from 'Phytoplankton_Global_Species_List_Abracos1_Abracos2.csv’: ] KINGDOM PHYLUM CLASS ORDER FAMILY GENUS SPECIES ID_TAXON Food_behaviour [specific columns to this table: ] Biovolumes : in µm3 Carbon_cell : in pgC/cell Biovolumes_Precisions : Precisions on the method used for biovolumes determination or measure (in French) 3. Phytoplankton_Net_Occurences_Abracos1.csv and Phytoplankton_Net_Occurences_Abracos2.csv Id_Survey Name of the survey ("Abracos1" or "Abracos2") Id_Survey_Pos Chronologic order of the points during the survey (to link with other operations) DateFull_mn Date and time (dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm) Id_Station Number of the station in the survey : "A1_Station" (ex: A1_01) Operation Type of operation : "PHYTO" Operation_Code "Survey_Operation_Station" (ex: A1_PHYTO_06) Latitude Decimal degrees Longitude Decimal degrees Bottom_Depth Bottom depth from the logbook of the survey. Combine different origins: 1) <750 m bottom depth (m) from the "EK60 sounder" 2) >750 m: bottom depth (m) from the "EA18 sounder" 3) if 1) or 2) doesn't exist then bottom depth (m) from the SRTM15 database (resolution: 15 seconds of arc) Dist_Shore Shortest distance from the continental shoreline (m) Survey_area_station Identifier of the station for the images database including the survey number, the area and the station (ex: "A1_FDN_01") The area can be one of these : ADR (Atol das Rocas) FDN (Fernando de Noronha archipelago) NECoast (along Natal Coast) SM (SeaMounts) NB : In the images database, some data may come from stations A1_NECoast_43 and A2_NECoast_31, which are not from phytoplankton net but from Rosette data. 209 columns corresponding to all the taxa identified during Abracos 1 and Abracos 2 surveys using phytoplankton net sampling. Each column contains 1 if the taxon is present in the sample or 0 if absent. 4. Phytoplankton_Rosette_Abundances_Abracos1.csv and Phytoplankton_Rosette_Abundances_Abracos2.csv Species composition and counts were realized with inverted microscopes (Axiovert 40C Zeiss and TCM 400 Labomed). Counts were realized according to the Utermšhl technique (1958) and AFNOR standard (2006) after concentration of each completed sample to about 50mL and then sedimentation in Utermöhl chamber. Initial volumes collected were noted for abundances calculations. Full Utermöhl tank were counted for each sample (at least 400 individuals if possible). Each taxon was counted individually except Oscillatoriales spp, Goniodoma sp, Heterocapsa spp, Coccolithophorids spp that were grouped in general taxons because of identification difficulties. Id_Survey Name of the survey ("Abracos1" or "Abracos2") Id_Survey_Pos Chronologic order of the points during the survey (to link with other operations) DateFull_mn Date and time (dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm) Latitude Decimal degrees Longitude Decimal degrees Bottom_Depth Bottom depth from the logbook of the survey. Combine different origins: 1) <750 m bottom depth (m) from the "EK60 sounder" 2) >750 m: bottom depth (m) from the "EA18 sounder" 3) if 1) or 2) doesn't exist then bottom depth (m) from the SRTM15 database (resolution: 15 seconds of arc) Dist_Shore Shortest distance from the continental shoreline (m) Id_Station Number of the station in the survey : "A1_Station" (ex: A1_01) Operation Type of operation : "CTD" or "Tap" Operation_Code "Survey_Operation_Station" (ex: A1_CTD_06) Id_Station_Bottle Number of the bottle in the Id_Station (ex: "A1_06_9" for bottle #9 in station A1_06) Pressure Pressure at the depth of sampling (ex: 52) Id_Station_Pressure Id_Station + Pressure (ex: A1_06_52) Depth_Exact Exact Depth of sampling in m (ex: 51.71) Targeted_Depth Targeted depth before sampling (in m). Can be slightly different from Pressure (ex: 50) Name_Sample Id_Station + Targeted Depth (ex: A1_06_50) Type_fluo Fluorescence modalities (200m / DCM / ML / NaN / SB / Tap / Surface ) 200m: Bottle rosette sampling realized at 200 m depth DCM: Bottle rosette sampling realized at chlorophyll maximum depth ML: Bottle rosette sampling realized in the mixed layer, in a middle depth, between DCM and surface NaN: Bottle rosette sampling realized at an intermediate depth, with an unidentified fluorescence modality SB: Bottle rosette sampling realized near the bottom at shallow stations Tap: Supplementary sampling realized with the on board tap Surface: Bottle rosette sampling realized at the surface Zone Zones (Seamounts / SECS / Shelf / WBCS) Seamounts: Sampling realized in the seamounts region SECS: Sampling realized in the SECS region Shelf: Sampling realized in the shelf region WBCS: Sampling realized in the WBCS region 243 columns corresponding to all the taxa identified during Abracos 1 and Abracos 2 surveys using rosette sampling. Each column contains the density of the corresponding taxon in nb individuals .10^3 / litre.