DESCRIPTION This dataset contains 3D images of otoliths (left ear only), as well as fish information, including details on captured species, sampling dates and locations, and biological measurements, along with other annotations. CONTENTS `` contains all 3D otoliths mesh in binary Polygon File Format (.ply). `6_landmarks.tps` contains x, y, z coordinates of six landmarks in the TPS text file (where the ID corresponds to the mesh name). `0217_0246_.log` contains X-ray images acquisition parameters. `0217_0246__rec.log` contains virtual slices reconstruction parameters. `` This database contains information about the fish in the sample (details on the captured species, sampling dates and locations, biological measurements...). • Number: Sample identification number • Refscan: Unique sample reference • Species: Latin name of fish species • Meshes3D: 3D meshes file name • Sdate: Fish catch date sampling (yyyy-mm-dd) • GSA: Fisheries management unit • Subarea: Geographical sub-area • Latitude: Latitude of the fish sample (in decimal degrees) • Longitude: Longitude of the fish sample (in decimal degrees) • Depth: Estimated depth of capture (in m) • BTemp: Bottom water temperature (°C) • TL: Total length of the fish, from the tip of the snout to the tip of the longest lobe of the caudal fin (in mm) • W: Total weight of the fish (in g) • S: Sex of the fish (M: male, F: female or I: undetermined) • Mat: Fish sexual maturity staging (0: abnormal i.e. necrotic, sclerotized or intersex gonads;1: immature; 2: developing gonads, non-hydrated eggs; 3: spawning; 4: regressing or regenerating gonads; 5: no spawning) SOURCES AND METHODS The fish data were collected during the 2019 edition of the international study MEDiterranean International Trawl Survey (MEDITS study), a substantial effort to assess fish populations and their habitats in the Mediterranean Sea (DOI:10.3989/scimar.04987.14A). The 3D otolith images were collected at the GISMO platform (Biogeosciences, University of Burgundy Franche-Comté). Fish sampling is limited to young mature fish (i.e., fish that have reached their first sexual maturity and are aged 3 to 5 years) with a total length between 125 and 238 mm. Only the left otoliths (sagittae) are selected to avoid asymmetry factors. These choices ensure the uniformity of our dataset and facilitate precise comparisons between individuals. For any questions, please reach out to Kélig Mahé at