Distribution of the transect lines used to acoustically assess the presence of Chinook salmon in hot-spot feeding areas used by southern (SRKW) and northern (NRKW) resident killer whales in 2020

This dataset contains GPS data of the transect lines used to acoustically assess the presence of Chinook salmon in hot-spot feeding areas used by southern (SRKW) and northern (NRKW) resident killer whales in 2020.




GPS data, Chinook salmon, NRKW and SRKW, acoustic survey


51.01N, 48.15S, -122.68E, -128.4W


GPS data of the transect lines used to acoustically assess the presence of Chinook salmon in hot-spot feeding areas used by southern (SRKW) and northern (NRKW) resident killer whales in 2020
41 MoCSVRaw data
How to cite
Saygili BURAK, Trites ANDREW (2020). Distribution of the transect lines used to acoustically assess the presence of Chinook salmon in hot-spot feeding areas used by southern (SRKW) and northern (NRKW) resident killer whales in 2020. SEANOE. https://doi.org/10.17882/101611

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