Microstructure dataset from the Reykjanes Ridge Experiment (RREX) 2015 cruise

This data publication provides the dataset of turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rates sampled during the Rekjanes Ridge RREX 2015 cruise. The dataset was gathered with a deep autonomous Vertical Microstructure Profiler (VMP-6000). A raw  and a processed version are available as tar files. The raw data are available as a tar file containing the fifty-eight files (extension .p)  with all internally recorded parameters.  Raw data files can be processed using the ODAS software, which can be downloaded from the manufacturer on request (website at: https://rocklandscientific.com). The processed version is available as a tar file containing fifty-eight NetCDF files. Each NetCDF file contains the dissipation rate profile, the time (UTC) of the profile start, the geographical position (deployment of the VMP or mooring position), and the mean pressure for each dissipation rate estimate (two estimates at each pressure level from the two shear sensors). Each dissipation rate comes with a quality control matrix QC (14 x 4) that characterizes how the associated mean shear spectrum fitted the expected theoretical Nasmyth spectrum.

Reference for data processing:

The raw '*.p' files contain all the necessary information (with appropriate calibration coefficients when needed) to transform the raw data into physical units using the ODAS software. The user is referred to the software documentation to get more details on the data processing of those raw files (see https://rocklandscientific.com).

Shear data were processed following the processing flow chart of the Atomix SCOR Working Group 160 (https://wiki.app.uib.no/atomix/index.php?title=Flow_chart_for_shear_probes).

Supplementary information about the quality control matrix QC can be found in the reference: Ferron, B., S. Leizour, M. Hamon, O. Peden, 2024: MicroRiYo : An observing system for deep repeated profiles of kinetic energy dissipation rates from shear-microstructure turbulence along a mooring line, submitted to J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech.


Physical oceanography


oceanic microstucture, small-scale turbulence, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Reykjanes Ridge, North Atlantic, dissipation rate, turbulent kinetic energy, Iceland basin, Irminger Basin


65N, 50S, -55E, -5W


The data in the raw file were collected with an autonomous free-fall profiler, VMP 6000, which was equipped with:

- 2 SPM-38 airfoil shear probes: measure vertical fluctuations (shear) of the horizontal velocity at centimeter-scales.

-2 FP07 fast temperature probes: measure vertical fluctuations of the temperature at centimeter-scales (not calibrated, needs to be align with the SBE 3F).

- 1 SBE 3F seabird temperature: measures vertical fluctuations of the temperature at sub-meter-scale.

- 1 SBE 4 seabird conductivity cell (no pump): measures vertical fluctuations of the conductivity at sub-meter-scale. Prone to strong salinity/density spiking in the absence of a pump.

- a  3-axis linear accelerometer (internal): measures VMP vibrations during the cast. It is used to remove vibrations from the shear data before computing dissipation rates.

- one compass

Fast channels (shear probes, fast temperature probes, accelerometers) were sampled at 512 Hz. Slow channels (SBE and compass sensors) were sampled at 32 Hz.


RREX 2015 VMP raw profiles *.p grouped in a tar file. Use "odas" software for data processing.
4 Gop files (proprietary)Raw data
RREX 2015 processed dissipation rate profiles from vertical microstructure profiler (VMP 6000) - netcdf format grouped in a tar file
26 MoNetCDFProcessed data
How to cite
Ferron Bruno, Hamon Michel, Leizour Stephane, Menage Olivier, Thierry Virginie (2015). Microstructure dataset from the Reykjanes Ridge Experiment (RREX) 2015 cruise. SEANOE. https://doi.org/10.17882/101935

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