Definition of metiers, fleets and strategies for ISIS-Fish model for
the bay of Biscay demersal fishery using DCF-6 metiers as a
- Noirmoutier is used as the limit between the North and the South of
the bay of Biscay. Noirmoutier is considered to be in the North of the
bay of Biscay.
- Analysis of the metier is performed on vessels inferior to 12m
- The gear of reference (gear_isis) used for a fishing sequence is the
gear provided by the sacrois algorithm.
- Macco species are SOL, HKE, NEP, MEG, MNZ, WHG, CET, RJC, RJN.
Landings of species which are not considered as Macco species are summed
in a group of other species (OTH).
- The metier of reference for each fishing sequence is the metier
DCF_6 associated to the gear of reference (gear_isis_metier_dcf6).
- Metiers with a number of fishing sequence equal to 500 over the time
period considered in the study are all merged in one metier called
- Metiers which only capture species that are not Macco species are
merged in one metier called “metier_OTH” for each gear isis.
Space and time
Data processing starts in 2010 and ends in 2020 for ices zones
27.8.a, 27.8.b, 27.8.d.
Isis fleets for Macco per vessels size based on ifremer fleet
Isis fleets are defined with the ifremer fleet segmentation. Fleets
that land less than 6% of Macco species are removed from the analysis.
Then fleets that land annually 70t on average of Macco species are
included in the Isis-Fish model. Fleets that land less than 70t are
merge together.
Number of vessels
Number of fishing sequences
Number of fishing sequences per metier isis
Caseyeurs Métiers de l’hameçon exclusifs
Chalutiers Arts dormants
Chalutiers de fond exclusifs
Chalutiers Dragueurs
Chalutiers mixtes exclusifs
Chalutiers Tamiseurs
Fileyeurs Caseyeurs exclusifs
Fileyeurs exclusifs
Fileyeurs Métiers de l’hameçon exclusifs
Flottille espèces autres
Flottilles agrégées