Daily gridded Sea Level Anomalies from satellite altimetry using Spatio Temporal Window Kriging

The datasets contain Sea Level Anomalies gridded using Spatial-Temporal Window (+/-5 days) Kriging in California and the Southwestern Atlantic Continental Shelf in 2018 on a 1/4° grid. Input data for the gridding are unfiltered CMEMS along-track (L3) Sea Level Anomalies. 

The resulting grid demonstrated in the connected study (submitted to Advances in Space Research in December 2024) improved correlation with in-situ tide gauges, increasing by 10.7% in California and 17.5% in the SWACS region while reducing the Root Mean Square Deviation by 12.7% and 13.8%, respectively. We also reported a notable improvement (from 58 to 34 days) in terms of effective temporal resolution estimated against independent in-situ data, while spatial effective resolution compared to independent along-track data is equal to CMEMS Sea Level Anomalies in the study region of California.


Physical oceanography


sea level anomalies, satellite altimetry, Southwestern Atlantic Continental Shelf, California


-33N, -56S, -70E, -50W

40N, 34S, -126E, -119W


Gridded Sea Level Aomalies on the Southwestern Continental Atlantic Shelf in 2018
19 MoNetCDFProcessed data
Gridded Sea Level Anomalies in California in 2018
5 MoNetCDFProcessed data
How to cite
Juhl Marie-Christin, Passaro Marcello, Dettmering Denise (2024). Daily gridded Sea Level Anomalies from satellite altimetry using Spatio Temporal Window Kriging. SEANOE. https://doi.org/10.17882/103947

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