1660 result(s)

Time series of daily averaged potential temperature (ºC) and current speed (m/s) at 750 m depth in the Cap de Creus submarine canyon in the northwestern Mediterranean. Data has been used to validate the MedSea regional reanalysis provided by the EU Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) in the manuscript by Fos et al., submitted to GRL, Solving dense shelf water cascading with ocean reanalysis: the Northwestern Mediterranean cas [...]

Long-term time series of daily averaged potential temperature (ºC) and current speed (m/s) at 1000 m depth in the Cap de Creus submarine canyon in the northwestern Mediterranean. Data has been used to validate the MedSea regional reanalysis provided by the EU Copernicus Marine Service in the manuscript by Fos et al., submitted to GRL, Solving dense shelf water cascading with ocean reanalysis: the Northwestern Mediterranean case study.

Léo Broudic, Mathieu Pinault

As part of the UTOPIAN project, a data acquisition spanning from August 2021 to January 2025 has allowed for the evaluation of all coral reefs in Réunion. The CORRAM method (COral Reef Rapid Assessment Method) was used, which involves estimating 8 indicators of benthic community composition through circular plots (coral cover, percentage of the genus Acropora within coral communities, algal cover, opportunistic species cover, structural complexit [...]

Mountain glaciers are highly sensitive, purely physical monitors of climatic conditions. Geochemical and mineralogical data from core TAN1106-28 (48.372°S, 165.659°E) in the Solander Trough (2798 m water depth) allow the continuous, well-dated, high-resolution reconstruction of glacier fluctuations from New Zealand’s South Island over the last 70,000 years. The Solander Trough also lies beneath the modern Subtropical Front (STF). Major latitudina [...]

This dataset is associated with the article "Exceptionally high dimethyl sulfide concentrations during a marine heatwave in the NE subarctic Pacific". The data was collected in August 2022 as part of the long-term Line P time-series program in the NE subarctic Pacific. The primary data consists of underway-collected concentrations of DMS and DMSP along both the Line P transect and a northwards oceanic-coastal return transect. Time-course concentr [...]

Siokou-Frangou Ioanna, Christou Epaminondas

Mesozooplankton samples were collected within the project Physical Oceanography of Easten Mediterranean-Biology-Chemistry (POEM-BC). Samples were collected on board of R/V AEGAIO from 92/3/20 till 92/4/15 in the NW Levantine Sea (34.5 N   23 till 36.5N  28.5E) and in the  S.Aegean Sea (36N 24E till 36N 27E). Samples were collected at discrete layers (from the surface till 300m) by vertical tows of a WP-2 net (200 μm) and their taxonomic analysis [...]

Gillnets are the predominant fishing gear used in the artisanal fisheries of the Colombian Caribbean. Due to their critical role in local livelihoods and the ecosystem, understanding the technical characteristics of these gillnets is essential for promoting both the sustainability and competitiveness of this fishery. To facilitate this, two datasets corresponding to an annual cycle (year 2022) are presented. These datasets enable the evaluation o [...]

DYPHYRAD data are acquired using a semi-automated approach along a coastal-offshore transect in the eastern English Channel, off the Slack estuary (northern limit of the Marine Protected Area of Picard Estuaries and Opal seas EPMO) by the Strait of Dover (Pas de Calais), at fine spatial resolution (9 stations at ∼1 km interval). Phytoplankton functional groups are characterized in sub-surface waters, both by multispectral fluorometry (Fluoroprobe [...]

Mojtahid Meryem, Schweizer Magali, Le Moigne Damien, Grégoire Gwendoline, Murat Anneexpand

This data is associated with a paper presenting the results of a dual approach for assessing fossil benthic foraminiferal communities using both traditional morphology-based analyses and sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) metabarcoding. The main objectives are to test the feasibility of sedaDNA analysis to assess foraminiferal biodiversity in temperate shelf sediments off a major river system through time (Le Croisic), and to point out the similar [...]

Misztal Leszek, Hatlas-Sowinska Paulina

The data consists of collision scenarios on sea. Inside the file there are recorded communication between captain's bridges for real situations on sea. The format consists of sentences in the natural language and its records written in the ontology. The main reason for set of data is to simulate collision situations on sea to propose models of autonomous or semiautonomous communication that will prevent such situations in the future, for enhancin [...]