Scoop-Argo : visual quality control for Argo NetCDF data files

Scoop-Argo visual quality control vizualises a series of Argo floats NetCDF cycle files.

The data are displayed in interactive graphics, with bathymetry, climatology and geographic maps environmental informations.

Quality Control flags are graphically changed by the User.

When changes are recorded, the history section is updated with the list of performed changes.

A bathymetry (ETOPO2) and a climatology (ISAS13) are available here :

How to use Scoop-Argo

  • Download the official version from Seanoe
  • Unzip and untar in a directory (windows, linux, ios)
  • Make sure to have a functionnal java environment (version 1.8 64bits if possible)
  • Double click scoop_argo.bat (windows) or (linux)

The Scoop-Argo directory organisation is described in this image.


Physical oceanography


Version 1.40
45 Mojava code 81962
Version 1.3
43 Mojava code
Version 0.44
37 Mojava code
How to cite
Detoc Jerome, Thepault Baptiste, Carval Thierry, Mahoudo Pierre, Garo Mickael (2021). Scoop-Argo : visual quality control for Argo NetCDF data files. SEANOE.

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