SMOOVE, video data from EMSO-Azores observatory, 2015-2016

This dataset contains video data acquired with the camera SMOOVE installed on the TEMPO ecological module, deployed on the EMSO-Azores observatory from April 2015 to August 2016. Data consist in five minutes video sequences recorded every day. The instrument is connected to the Seamon East environmental monitoring node and films a mussel bed located at the base of the Tour Eiffel edifice at 1695m depth.


Mid-Atlantic Ridge, EMSO-Açores, Hydrothermal Vents, Lucky Strike, Marine imagery, TEMPO, Time-series, MoMAR, MoMARSAT2015, Bathymodiolus azoricus assemblage, Tour Eiffel


37.30134N, 37.2888S, -32.275618E, -32.27982W


84 GoVIDEORaw data
How to cite
Sarrazin Jozee, Matabos Marjolaine, Sarradin Pierre-Marie, Legrand Julien, Cannat Mathilde (2017). SMOOVE, video data from EMSO-Azores observatory, 2015-2016. SEANOE.

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