Oxygen optode, data from EMSO-Molène Observatory, 2017-01-01 to 2017-05-04

This dataset contains the data acquired using the oxygen optode on EMSO-Molène observatory. The sensor was protected against the fouling by a micro-chlorination device. The sensor is set on the instrument module, oposite the camera, next to the CTD.



48.41N, 48.41S, -4.933333E, -4.933333W



  • Mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water (millimole/m3)
  • Fractional saturation of oxygen in sea water (%)
  • Temperature in sea water (°C)
  • Calphase (°)
  • Tcphase (°)
  • C1rph (°)
  • C2rph (°)
  • C1amp (mV)
  • C2amp (mV)
  • Raw_temp (mV)


  • Regional node: Emso-Molène
  • Site: Submarine platform
  • Coordinates: 48°24,060' N   and  04°56,000' W
  • Depth: 18 m
  • Port number : 3


  • Dive : 2017-01-01


  • Dive : 2017-05-04

Operating parameters

  • Measurement duration :
  • Sampling period : 10 minutes
  • Anti-fouling device : Micro chlorination (5 minutes and 5 minutes off)

Sensor metadata

  • Type : Oxygen Optode
  • Provider : Aanderaa Data Instruments Inc.
  • Model : 4330
  • Serial number: 2122

Sensor configuration

  • Salinity setting : 0%
  • Pressure correction : no
  • Salinity compensation : no

Test and calibration

  • AANDERAA, test and specifications (March 2016)
  • Ifremer, Pressure qualification (Oct. 2016)
  • Ifremer, Calibration (May 2017)

Data management

  • Real time data transmission : Full
  • Data storage in the shore station serveur : Full
  • Data storage in the instrument : No


1 MoCSVRaw data
Sensor metadata
123 KoPDF
225 KoPDF
How to cite
Lanteri Nadine, Barbot Stephane (2017). Oxygen optode, data from EMSO-Molène Observatory, 2017-01-01 to 2017-05-04. SEANOE. https://doi.org/10.17882/49959

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