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MOOSE T02_10 (EGO hannon glider) deployment (Mediterranean Sea - Western basin)
The proposed research is based on the monitoring of the long term evolution of the North Western Mediterranean Sea with glider repeat-sections carried out in the framework of the ALLENVI/INSU/ SOERE MOOSE (, INSU/MISTRALS (, and EU FP7 PERSEUS ( The objective is to monitor the oceanographic variability (physical and biogeochemical) of the north western Mediterranean Sea, over a continuum of spatial and temporal scales. Two cross-basin repeat-sections with a repeat rate of about 10-20 days allow to monitor the main circulation features (Northern Current, North Balearic Front, Western Corsica Current) on a regular basis, as well as major processes such as winter intermediate and deep water formations and vernal blooms. The gliders regularly visit MOOSE moorings for cross-calibration purposes and to explore the variability around these moorings.
i) T00 is a repeat-section between Nice and Calvi passing by the MOOSE mooring DYFAMED located in the central Ligurian Sea
ii) T02 is a repeat-section between Marseille and Menorca passing by the MOOSE mooring LION located in the center of the deep convection area
The following parameters are provided :
- Sea water pressure, equals 0 at sea-level
- Sea temperature in-situ ITS-90 scale
- Electrical conductivity
Physical oceanography
sea water temperature, sea water electrical conductivity, sea water pressure, mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water, temperature of sensor for oxygen in sea water, uncalibrated phase shift reported by oxygen sensor, calibrated phase shift reported by oxygen sensor, chlorophyll a signal from fluorescence sensor in sea water, volume absorption coefficient of radiative flux in sea water due to dissolved organic matter, volume scattering function of radiative flux in sea water 700
43.1049N, 42.2453S, 5.8848E, 4.84W