plumrho deployment (EGO glider : tenuse) (Mediterranean Sea - Western basin)

The observations of tenuse glider on plumrhodeployment (Mediterranean Sea - Western basin) :

  • EGO NetCDF time-series (data, metadata, derived sea water current)
  • NetCDF profiles extracted from the above time-series
  • Raw data
  • JSON metadata used by the decoder

The following parameters are provided : 

  • sea water temperature
  • sea water conductivity
  • sea water pressure
  • sea water salinity


Physical oceanography


sea water temperature, sea water electrical conductivity, sea water pressure, chlorophyll a signal from fluorescence sensor in sea water, sea water turbidity, volume absorption coefficient of radiative flux in sea water due to dissolved organic matter


43.105583N, 43.105583S, 5.883783E, 5.883783W


User's manual

37 MoNetCDFQuality controlled data
How to cite
Bourrin François, Durrieu de Madron Xavier, Many Gaël, Verney Romaric, Pairaud Ivane, Testor Pierre, Mortier Laurent (2017). plumrho deployment (EGO glider : tenuse) (Mediterranean Sea - Western basin). SEANOE.

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