Ship-track continuous dataset in the Mediterranean Sea collected during the cruise BioArgoMed 2015

Two quality controlled datasets here archived were collected during the oceanographic cruise BioArgoMed that held in Spring 2015 over the whole Mediterranean Sea, onboard R/V Tethys 2. The first datset is composed of continuous time series of sea surface temperature (TEMP in °C), sea surface salinity (practical scale, PSAL) and fluorescence of chlorophyll-a (FCHL in mg/m3) along the ship track, with a resolution of 5 minutes. The second dataset is composed of continuous time series of ocean currents profiles along the ship track with a resolution 1 km. The profiles are binned at 8m resolution from 18m until 570m. The quality controlled parameters are the depth (in m), the zonal current (UVEL in m/s) and the meridional current (VVEL in m/s).


Biological oceanography, Physical oceanography


Oceanographic survey, surface seawater properties, ocean currents


44.249751N, 32.36677S, 30.445367E, 5.748101W


ship-track TSG time series
236 KoCSVQuality controlled data
ship-track ocean currents time series
2 MoCSVQuality controlled data
How to cite
Taillandier Vincent, Wagener Thibaut, D’ortenzio Fabrizio, Mayot Nicolas, Legoff Hervé, Ras Joséphine, Coppola Laurent, Pasqueron de Fommervault Orens, Bittig Henry, Lefevre Dominique, Leymarie Edouard, Schmechtig Catherine, Poteau Antoine (2017). Ship-track continuous dataset in the Mediterranean Sea collected during the cruise BioArgoMed 2015. SEANOE.

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