Spatial distribution of gas emissions from the Sea of Marmara seafloor from 4 November 2009 to 14 December 2009

Acoustic water column data acquired in 2009 during the MARMESONET marine expedition led to establish an accurate spatial distribution of gas emissions on the scale of the Sea of Marmara. The present database is composed of a surface shape file (.shp) dedicated to GIS applications. This seafloor surface represents the insonified area within which gas emissions occurred for more than 1 month of survey, from 4 November 2009 to 14 December 2009; as displayed in Figure 4 of Dupré et al. 2015 (Dupré S, Scalabrin C, Grall C, Augustin AH, Henry P, Şengör AMC, Görür N, Çağatay N, Géli L (2015) Tectonic and sedimentary controls for widespread gas emissions in the Sea of Marmara. Results from systematic, shipborne multibeam echosounder water column imageries. Journal of Geophysical Research 120 (5):2891-2912. doi:10.1002/2014JB011617). This publication Investigated and discussed the relationship between fluid emissions at the seafloor with the fault network (active and inactive faults) and the sedimentary environment (nature, thickness and related-processes).

Acoustic detection of gas emissions was performed with water column imagery acquired in 2009 on board the R/V Le Suroît during the MARMESONET expedition, part of the ESONET (European Seas Observatory NETwork) Marmara demonstration mission (Marmara-DM) project. Water column data was acquired with a Kongsberg EM302 shipborne multibeam echo sounder. Water column multibeam acquisition is very efficient for the coverage of wide areas. Thus, more than 4500 km of acoustic tracks, equivalent to ~2900 km2, were recorded over 21 days of acquisition (4 November 2009 to 14 December 2009).

Details on water column multibeam data acquisition, processing, vizualisation and identification of gas emissions from the seafloor are presented in Dupré et al 2015.


Marine geology


41.02N, 40.49S, 29.46E, 27.3W


2 MoSHPQuality controlled data
How to cite
Dupre Stephanie, Scalabrin Carla, Augustin Jean-Marie, Guerin Charline, Ogor Andre, Clouet Helene, Geli Louis (2018). Spatial distribution of gas emissions from the Sea of Marmara seafloor from 4 November 2009 to 14 December 2009. SEANOE.
In addition to properly cite this dataset, it would be appreciated that the following work(s) be cited too, when using this dataset in a publication :
Dupre Stephanie, Scalabrin Carla, Grall Celine, Augustin Jean-Marie, Henry Pierre, Sengor A. M. Celal, Goeruer Naci, Cagatay M. Namik, Geli Louis (2015). Tectonic and sedimentary controls on widespread gas emissions in the Sea of Marmara: Results from systematic, shipborne multibeam echo sounder water column imaging. Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth. 120 (5). 2891-2912.,

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