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ROCCH SED 2017 data : chemical contaminants levels measured in mediterranean lagoon sediments by the national monitoring network ROCCH in 2017
ROCCH, the french monitoring network carried out by Ifremer, surveys chemical contaminants levels in coastal areas through two programmes, mussel watch programme and sediment watch programme. In 1996, 2006, 2012 and 2017, samples were collected in different french mediterranean lagoons for metallic contamination evaluation. In 2017, organic pollutants from the WFD and MSD european directives were analysed too. Data were completed by additional elements of diagnosis like organic matter, total nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations. Chemical contaminant are analysed in whole sediment and co - factors like aluminium and organic carbon are simultaneously measured for normalisation procedures.
42.080601N, 42.022476S, 9.515639E, 9.431868W
42.166159N, 42.112188S, 9.565712E, 9.509407W
43.568008N, 42.625425S, 5.284035E, 2.96592W
41.960667N, 41.931046S, 9.422643E, 9.391058W
42.669885N, 42.552645S, 9.542263E, 9.431027W