Autonomous temperature probes, data from the EMSO-Azores observatory, 2015-2016

This dataset contains temperature data acquired between April 2015 and September 2016 using 17 temperature probes (HTW, HTWN, HTNKE and LTW) installed in smoker orifices or cracks. High-temperature WHOI probes (HTW) are composed of 2 J-type thermistors in the rod tip connected to 2 temperature data-loggers (named A & B), 2 data recordings are available for 1 HTW probe. They are able to record temperatures up to 415°C with an accuracy of ± 1.1°C, a resolution of 0.25°C at 375°C and a clock drift of 1min per month. High-temperature WHOI new probes (HTWN) are composed of 1 temperature data-logger and 1 attitude logger to measure absolute orientation (tilt) and acceleration. The thermocouple of their rod tip can be J or T-Type. Mostly used J-Type thermocouple is able to record temperatures up to 450°C, with an accuracy of ± 0.6°C, a resolution of 0,03°C and a clock drift of 1min/year. High-temperature NKE probes (HTNKE) are able to record temperatures up to 450°C, with an accuracy of ±0.5°C, a resolution of 0.1°C and a clock drift of 1min/month. Low-temperature WHOI probes (LTW) are able to record temperatures up to 125°C. with an accuracy of ±0.22°C, a resolution of 0.025°C and a clock drift of ±1min per month. The array is not connected to an energy node. All probes are calibrated in time before deployment, probe time adjusted to UTC time. Temperature of probes is checked after recovery and before deployment. Clock drift after recovery is not implemented in data.


Physical oceanography


Mid-Atlantic Ridge, EMSO-Azores, Hydrothermal Vents, Lucky Strike, Eiffel Tower, Capelinhos, Cimendef, Crystal, Isabel, Montsegur, Sintra, South Crystal, White Castle, Y3, WHOI, NKE, Temperature, Time-series, MoMAR, MoMARSAT2015


37.30134N, 37.2888S, -32.275618E, -32.27982W


Sensor metadata
55 KoCSV
18 MoCSVRaw data
How to cite
Cannat Mathilde, Fontaine fabrice, Barreyre Thibaut, Escartin Javier, Sarradin Pierre-Marie (2018). Autonomous temperature probes, data from the EMSO-Azores observatory, 2015-2016. SEANOE.

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