matugli2018 deployment (EGO glider : theque) (Mediterranean Sea - Western basin)

The observations of theque glider on matugli2018 deployment (Mediterranean Sea - Western basin) :

  • EGO NetCDF time-series (data, metadata, derived sea water current)
  • NetCDF profiles extracted from the above time-series
  • Raw data
  • JSON metadata used by the decoder

The following parameters are provided : 

Practical salinity
Sea temperature in-situ ITS-90 scale
Electrical conductivity
Sea water pressure, equals 0 at sea-level


Physical oceanography


sea water temperature, sea water electrical conductivity, sea water pressure, mass concentration of chlorophyll a in sea water, sea water turbidity, mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water, temperature of sensor for oxygen in sea water, uncalibrated phase shift reported by oxygen sensor, calibrated phase shift reported by oxygen sensor, uncalibrated red phase shift reported by oxygen sensor


43.354N, 43.3265S, 3.6616E, 3.7663W


User's manual

53 MoNetCDFQuality controlled data
How to cite
Testor Pierre, Mortier Laurent, Coppola Laurent, Claustre Hervé, D'Ortenzio Fabrizio, Bourrin François, Durrieu de Madron Xavier, Raimbault Patrick (2018). matugli2018 deployment (EGO glider : theque) (Mediterranean Sea - Western basin). SEANOE.

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