Biological and physico-chemical dataset from different fishponds systems related to IMTA : fish, water and sediment

The data were collected from experimental freshwater fishpond systems (extensive, semi-intensive and semi-intensive coupled with lagoon). The dataset presented is composed of:

  • Individual Fish parameters (live weight, length at fork) at stocking and harvest for the three species reared: common carp (Cyprinus carpio), roach (Rutilus rutilus) and tench (Tinca tinca).
  • Physical indicators of the water quality in pond, monthly measured :temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, oxygen saturation and water transparency
  • Physical indicators of the water quality in pond, measured every 5 minutes on 24h in September 2014: temperature, pH, oxydo-reduction potential, conductivity, dissolved oxygen and oxygen saturation.
  • Concentration in pond water of chemical compounds , monthly sampled :total nitrogen (TN), ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, orthophosphate and total phosphorus(TP)
  •  Concentration in pond water of chemical compounds, sampled 5 minutes on 24h in September 2014: TN, ammonium, nitrate, orthophosphate, TP
  • Concentration of chlorophyll in pond water monthly sampled: chlorophyll-a from March to June and total chlorophyll, blue chlorophyll, green chlorophyll and brown chlorophyll from July to November.
  • Concentration in TN and TP in the sediment of each pond at fish stocking and harvest.


Fisheries and aquaculture


48.120278N, 48.120278S, -1.7925E, -1.7925W


Water was sampled for temperature (multiparameter Templight Hobo Data Loggers, 64K UA-002-64, Onset Co.), pH (WTW 340i, Sentix Plus 41 probe), DO and %O2 (HACH HQ30, LDO probe), conductivity (WTW 340i, Tetracon 325 probe) and transparency (Secchi disk), and the 5 Hydrolab multi-analyzer probe was used for the 24H monitoring. From March to June, chlorophyll-a was measured with a spectrophotometer and from July to November, chlorophyll was measured with a fluorometer phytoplankton analyzer (PHYTO-PAM, WALZ Co., Germany).Spectrometric methods were used to determine N and P contents in water and sediment.


Controlled and calculated data related to fish weight and length
84 KoCSVQuality controlled data
Controlled data related to water physical measurement and nutrient composition and sediment composition in nutrient
24 KoCSVQuality controlled data
Controlled data related to water physical parameters logged every 5 minutes
134 KoCSVQuality controlled data
Controlled data related to water concentration in chlorophyll-a
3 KoCSVQuality controlled data
controlled data related to water concentration in different types of chlorophyll (blue, green, brown) measured with PhytoPam
5 KoCSVQuality controlled data
How to cite
Jaeger Christophe, Aubin Joël (2018). Biological and physico-chemical dataset from different fishponds systems related to IMTA : fish, water and sediment. SEANOE.
In addition to properly cite this dataset, it would be appreciated that the following work(s) be cited too, when using this dataset in a publication :
Jaeger Christophe, Aubin Joël (2018). Ecological intensification in multi-trophic aquaculture ponds: an experimental approach. Aquatic Living Resources, 31, 36-.

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