Harmful algae niche response(s) to environmental and community variation along the French coast. Dataset

The data-set is composed of three tables, Environmental variables, Phytoplankton ( in log+1 abundance)  and the coordinates of the station used in the study. They are the processed data.


Biological oceanography


51.381985N, 43.048724S, 3.796677E, -6.486527W


Taxonomic Abundance
314 KordaProcessed data
Environmental parameters
92 KordaProcessed data
Stations coordinates
992 octetsrdaProcessed data
How to cite
Karasiewicz Stephane, Chapelle Annie, Bacher Cedric, Soudant Dominique (2019). Harmful algae niche response(s) to environmental and community variation along the French coast. Dataset. SEANOE. https://doi.org/10.17882/69703

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