Scripps Institution of Oceanography drifting wave buoy array in sea ice, 2018

This dataset contains measurement of ocean wave properties (spectra, including directional first 5 paramerters) for 3 buoys that got caught in the Southern Ocean ice, off the Ross ice shelf.  It is particularly interesting for studying the attenuation of waves in sea ice. The buoys are mini-buoys designed and built at the Scripps Insitution of Oceanography - UCSD, in the MPL/CORDC group led by Dr. E. Terrill.


Cryosphere, Physical oceanography


-50N, -65S, -170E, -140W


Wave data recorded by buoy number 623
1 MoNetCDFProcessed data
Wave data recorded by buoy number 624
1 MoNetCDFProcessed data
Wave data recorded by buoy number 625
911 KoNetCDFProcessed data
How to cite
Otero Mark, Terrill Eric, Merrifield Sophia, Ardhuin Fabrice (2020). Scripps Institution of Oceanography drifting wave buoy array in sea ice, 2018. SEANOE.

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