Genotyping of 4 European sea bass families with the DlabCHIP SNPs genotyping array

Four experimental backcross full-sib families (378, 454, 291 and 211 individuals) were produced by in vitro fertilization at Ifremer (Palavas-les-Flots, France). All 1334 individuals were genotyped with a ThermoFisher AxiomTM Sea Bass 57k SNP DlabChip at the genotyping platform Gentyane (INRAE, Clermont-Ferrand, France). SNP calling was done using ThermoFisher software AxiomAnalysisSuiteTM. Preliminary quality controls were applied with threshold values of 95% for SNP call rate and 90% for sample call rate.



Fisheries and aquaculture


DLabCHIP, Genotype, European sea bass, Backcross families


BED (PLINK binary biallelic genotype table) file for backcross families genotypes
15 MoBEDQuality controlled data
BIM (PLINK extended MAP file) file for backcross families genotypes
1 MoBIMQuality controlled data
FAM (PLINK sample information file) file for backcross families genotypes
34 KoFAMQuality controlled data
How to cite
Allal Francois, Griot Ronan, Phocas Florence, Brard-Fudulea Sophie, Morvezen Romain, Bestin Anastasia, Haffray Pierrick, François Yoannah, Morin Thierry, Poncet Charles, Vergnet Alain, Cariou Sophie, Brunier Joseph, Bruant Jean-Sébastien, Peyrou Bruno, Gagnaire Pierre-Alexandre, Vandeputte Marc (2020). Genotyping of 4 European sea bass families with the DlabCHIP SNPs genotyping array. SEANOE.

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