Seafloor pressure data from two SBE53 pressure gauges on EMSO-Azores observatory, 2018-2019

This dataset contains seafloor pressure data acquired in the framework of EMSO-Azores observatory between August 2018 and June 2019 using a SBE53 pressure gauges deployed on two sites.

West site : The sensor was deployed on an existing benchmark installed with the submersible Nautile in August 2006 during the GRAVILUCK cruise ( The benchmark sits on hard substratum with light hydrothermal sedimentation, on the North-West border of the Lucky Strike lava lake, next to a hydrothermal site.

East site : The sensor was deployed on an existing benchmark installed by freefall in July 2007 during the MOMARDREAM cruise ( The benchmark sits in the axial valley, East of the LuckyStrike volcano in a lightly sedimented area, with apparent pillow lavas.

Instrument location bathymetric map



Physical oceanography


Mid-Atlantic Ridge, EMSO-Azores, Lucky Strike, seafloor pressure, geodesy, deformation, vertical motion, earthquakes, monitoring, tides, timeseries


37.2831N, 37.2831S, -32.08088E, -32.08088W

37.29265N, 37.29265S, -32.281417E, -32.281417W


SBE53 Bottom Pressure Recorder (BPR). The sensor measures full ocean depth water level. It provides bottom pressure records by combining a time base with low-power frequency-acquisition circuitry, a Paroscientific Digiquartz® pressure transducer, a non-volatile 32 MB FLASH memory and a precision thermometer.


Parameters: seafloor pressure in psi and seafloor temperature °Celsius


Instrument location

  • West site : EMSO-Azores / Lucky Strike lava lake. N37°17.559 / W32°16.885 depth: 1729m
  • East site : EMSO-Azores / Axial valley, East flank of the Lucky Strike volcano. N37°16.986 / W32°14.853 depth: 1984m


Installation : CANNAT Mathilde (2018) MOMARSAT2018 cruise, RV L'Atalante,


Recovery: SARRADIN Pierre-Marie, LEGRAND Julien (2019) MOMARSAT2019 cruise, RV Pourquoi pas ?,


Operating parameters: sampling interval 120sec / measurement duration 30sec


Sensor metadata

  • Model : Seabird SBE53 SN27
  • Provider : Seabird 2008


West site data (CSV format)
14 MoCSVRaw data
West site data (HEX format)
7 MoHEXRaw data
East site data (CSV format)
14 MoCSVRaw data
East site data (HEX format)
7 MoHEXRaw data
West site data (NetCDF format)
756 KoNetCDFQuality controlled data
East site data (NetCDF format)
786 KoNetCDFQuality controlled data
How to cite
Ballu Valérie, Cannat Mathilde, Wheeler Benjamin, Legrand Julien, Sarradin Pierre-Marie (2021). Seafloor pressure data from two SBE53 pressure gauges on EMSO-Azores observatory, 2018-2019. SEANOE.

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