CADHYAK surveys : Field observations of hydrodynamics functioning of Koumac Lagoon (New Caledonia - North Province)

Koumac lagoon has been instrumented over a period of 6 months (from December 2019 to May 2020) in order to characterized its hydrodynamics functioning. This lagoon is surrounding by mining activities that may affect and damage its ecosystem. Nineteen sensors have been deployed on moorings to measure and quantify water circulation and exchanges between land, lagoon and ocean (current, temperature, salinity and pressure). CTD profiles have also been performed to observe spatial extent and stratification of water bodies. During the sampling period, two major meteorological events occurred, UESI cyclone (11th February 2020) and GRETEL tropical depression (15th march 2020), which have significantly impacted hydrodynamics.

Sampling strategy available on Sextant.- Marine Geographic Information System.

More informations on PRESENCE project.


Physical oceanography


New Caledonia, Koumac, Lagoon, Hydrodynamics, Circulation, Pressure, Currents, Temperature, Salinity, Waves, Coastal environment, Terrestrial runoffs, Water quality, PRESENCE Project


-20.531659N, -20.719308S, 164.338581E, 164.003498W


Sensor Model Sampling Rate
Currentmeters ADCP RDI Sentinel V20 20 min
ADCP RDI Sentinel V50 10 min
Marotte HS 1 min
Temperature / Conductivity JFE Advantech Infinity CTW 15 min
Temperature / Pressure RBR Duo - T.D 1 hour or 1 min
RBR Duet - T.D 1 hour or 1 min
CTD Profiler SBE 19plusV2 0.25 sec
Lagrangian surface ciruclation Pacific Gyre – Reef Drifter 10 min


A02 : Currents, level, temperature
24 MoNetCDFQuality controlled data
A01 : Currents, level, temperature
15 MoNetCDFQuality controlled data
J02 : Temperature, salinity
388 KoNetCDFQuality controlled data
J01 : Temperature, salinity
260 KoNetCDFQuality controlled data
R03 : Temperature, level, waves
144 KoNetCDFQuality controlled data
R03 : Temperature, level
3 MoNetCDFQuality controlled data
R01 : Temperature, level, waves
169 KoNetCDFQuality controlled data
R01 : Temperature, level
4 MoNetCDFQuality controlled data
M12 : Currents, temperature
9 MoNetCDFQuality controlled data
M11 : Currents, temperature
9 MoNetCDFQuality controlled data
M10 : Currents, temperature
9 MoNetCDFQuality controlled data
M09 : Currents, temperature
8 MoNetCDFQuality controlled data
M07 : Currents, temperature
9 MoNetCDFQuality controlled data
M06 : Currents, temperature
9 MoNetCDFQuality controlled data
M05 : Currents, temperature
9 MoNetCDFQuality controlled data
M04 : Currents, temperature
8 MoNetCDFQuality controlled data
M03 : Currents, temperature
7 MoNetCDFQuality controlled data
M02 : Currents, temperature
9 MoNetCDFQuality controlled data
M01 : Currents, temperature
9 MoNetCDFQuality controlled data
Reef Drifter – December 2019
11 KoNetCDFQuality controlled data
CTD profiles - December 2019
239 KoNetCDFQuality controlled data
CTD profiles - May 2020
205 KoNetCDFQuality controlled data
How to cite
Bruyère Oriane, Le Gendre Romain, Bourassin Emmanuel, Petton Sebastien, Soulard Benoit (2021). CADHYAK surveys : Field observations of hydrodynamics functioning of Koumac Lagoon (New Caledonia - North Province). SEANOE.

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