ROCCH sediment dataset : chemical contaminant in surface sediment for environmental assessment

ROCCH, the French Chemical Contaminant Monitoring Network,  regularly provides a new official dataset for assessing the chemical quality status of French coastal waters. Concentrations of trace metal elements and organic compounds were measured in samples of marine surface sediments collected in the English Channel and Bay of Biscay, during 3 campaigns over a period of 6 years. Samples of fine sediment material, from 200 to 250 monitoring stations, were freeze-dried and sieved prior to analysis. The Results were submitted to the international database of ICES (for the OSPAR Convention).




chemical contaminants, sediment, quality, OSPAR convention


51.146973N, 43.223604S, 2.534107E, -5.46394W


Alternative access to data

2021 data
294 KoTXT (CIEM)Quality controlled data 110854
2020 data
564 KoTXT (CIEM)Quality controlled data 105363
2019 data
479 KoTXT (CIEM)Quality controlled data 89565
How to cite
Grouhel-Pellouin Anne, Crochet Sylvette, Sireau Teddy, Godfrin Yoann, Bizzozero Lucie, Menet-Nedelec Florence, Trut Gilles, Bruneau Audrey, Bruzac Sandrine, Cheve Julien, Dagault Francoise, Duquesne Vincent, Gabellec Raoul, Gouriou Laure, Lebrun Luc, Lefebvre Alain, Le Fur Ines, Maheux Frank, Retho Michael, Schmitt Anne, Terre Terrillon Aouregan, Grizon James, laboratoires Environnement et Ressources (2024). ROCCH sediment dataset : chemical contaminant in surface sediment for environmental assessment. SEANOE.

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