ROCCH biota Mediterranean dataset : chemical contaminant in Mediterranean shellfish

ROCCH, French Chemical Contaminant Monitoring Network, provides each year a new official dataset to update the assessment of the chemical state of French coastal waters in the national and international context. Measurements of concentrations of trace metal elements and organic compounds  in Mediterranean shellfish tissue are transmitted to the international database of ICES (for the OSPAR Convention) for quality assessment.


Environment, Fisheries and aquaculture, Chemical oceanography


chemical contaminants, shellfish, environmental quality


43.978785N, 41.411632S, 9.551169E, 2.761618W


Chemical contaminants in shellfish tissue
68 KoCIEMQuality controlled data
CIEM format description (V3.2.5)
310 KoPDF
How to cite
Grouhel-Pellouin Anne, Bouchoucha Marc, Connes Coralie, Gianaroli Camille, Marco-Miralles Francoise, Serais Ophelie (2020). ROCCH biota Mediterranean dataset : chemical contaminant in Mediterranean shellfish. SEANOE.

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