List of stations with data collected during the iMAR 2021/Eurofleets+ research cruise in Mid Atlantic Ridge (Azores EEZ)

This dataset contain the metadata for all stations conducted during the iMAR cruise “The Integrated assessment of the distribution of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) in the Azores region”, that took place aboard the Research Vessel Pelagia of the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research between May 19th and June 2nd 2021. This expedition was funded by the SEA OCEANS program of Eurofleets+ and the H2020 European project iAtlantic, and was led by the University of the Azores (Portugal) in collaboration with the Hydrographic Institute and University of Porto (Portugal), the University of Aarhus (Denmark), the National Oceanography Center (United Kingdom), GEOMAR (Germany), the University Museum of Bergen (Norway), the PP Shirshov Institute of Oceanology (Russia), and the University of Vale do Itajaí (Brazil).


Statistics: Cruise duration was 17 days, 2,500 km of transits, 6 areas visited, 5,500 km2 of mapped seabed (mainly in the North portion of the MAR in the EEZ around the Azores), 19 dives with the NIOZ video system that resulted in 54 hours of deep-sea images over 48 km of the seabed, 13 stations for the analysis of water mass properties and to collect sediments, which resulted in 380 samples for environmental DNA, 280 samples for nutrient analyses, 27 sediment samples for geological analyses, 24 for microplastic analyses, 10 samples for bacteriological, and 10 samples meiofauna analyses.


Biological oceanography, Chemical oceanography, Environment, Physical oceanography


Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Azores, Deep-sea, iMAR 2021, Eurofleets, Stations


42.484475N, 38.236108S, -28.559438E, -30.935026W


4 KoShapefileProcessed data
How to cite
Morato Telmo, Dominguez-Carrió Carlos, Rodrigues Luís, H. taranto Gerald, Neves de Sousa Laura, Evans Susan, Carreiro-Silva Marina (2022). List of stations with data collected during the iMAR 2021/Eurofleets+ research cruise in Mid Atlantic Ridge (Azores EEZ). SEANOE.

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