Temperature data from the thermistor chain of Cap Vieux (Toulon), North-Western Mediterranean, 2014-2021 time series

This dataset contains the processed temperature data in °C from the ten temperature sensors from 5 to 50m depth along the thermistor chain west of Cap Sicié (Cap Vieux, Toulon, France, 43°02.593N 05°50.616E) deployed between January 2014 and November 2021 (data acquired every 30 min). This dataset is part of the T-MEDNet initiative (www.t-mednet.org), devoted to develop an observation network on climate change effects in marine coastal ecosystems by spreading the acquisition of standard monitoring protocols on seawater temperature and biological indicators over large-scale and long-term.


Physical oceanography


NW Med, France, Temperature, T-MEDNet


43.048N, 43.04S, 5.855E, 5.84W


Temperature sensor HOBO Pro V2 Temp U22-001 (Accuracy ±0.2 °C)


Processed data
68 MoCSVProcessed data
How to cite
Sartoretto Stephane, Pairaud Ivane, Ravel Christophe, de Vogue Benoist, Chavanon Fabienne (2022). Temperature data from the thermistor chain of Cap Vieux (Toulon), North-Western Mediterranean, 2014-2021 time series. SEANOE. https://doi.org/10.17882/86522

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