Improving Microstructure Shear Data Processing in Ocean Turbulence

This data set is related to the article "Improving the robustness of dissipation rate estimates from microstructure shear data processing in ocean turbulence" (submitted to JTech, AMS). It provides the raw data files (with extension .p) from a vertical microstructure profiler VMP-6000 used for the published study. Raw data files are provided since the study precisely report on the data processing of raw microstructure horizontal velocity shear data to get dissipation rates of turbulent kinetic energy using the manufacturer software. The software (ODAS) can be downloaded from the manufacturer website at: The profiles were collected in the Mediterranean Sea in 2013 (French VAD cruise) and 2014 (Italian MEDOCC cruise), and in the North Atlantic Ocean in 2021 (MoMAR cruise). More details on the profiles are given in the related publication.


Physical oceanography


oceanic microstucture, small-scale turbulence, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Mediterranean Sea, Tyrrhenian Sea, Sicily Channel, Ligurian Sea, data processing, vertical shear, horizontal velocity, temperature, salinity, accelerometer


48.27216N, 29.291104S, 16.699219E, -36.035156W


The data in the raw file were collected with an autonomous free-fall profiler, VMP 6000, which was equipped with:

- 2 SPM-38 airfoil shear probes: measure vertical fluctuations (shear) of the horizontal velocity at centimeter-scales.

-2 FP07 fast temperature probes: measure vertical fluctuations of the temperature at centimeter-scales (not calibrated, needs to be align with the SBE 3F).

- 1 SBE 3F seabird temperature: measures vertical fluctuations of the temperature at sub-meter-scale.

- 1 SBE 4 seabird conductivity cell (no pump): measures vertical fluctuations of the conductivity at sub-meter-scale. Prone to strong salinity/density spiking in the absence of a pump.

- a  3-axis linear accelerometer (internal): measures VMP vibrations during the cast. It is used to remove vibrations from the shear data before computing dissipation rates.

- one compass

The raw '*.p' files contain all the necessary information (with appropriate calibration coefficients when needed) to transform the raw data into physical units using the ODAS software. The user is referred to the software documentation to get more details on the data processing of those raw files (see


Tar file of VMP 6000 profiles #4, 6, 7, 9 from the VAD 2013 cruise
130 Momanufacturer "p"-filesRaw data
Tar file of VMP 6000 profiles #20,24-29,30 from the MEDOCC 2014 cruise
311 Momanufacturer "p"-filesRaw data
Tar file of VMP 6000 profiles #4, 5, 9, 10 from the MoMARsat 2021 cruise
238 Momanufacturer "p"-filesRaw data
How to cite
Ferron Bruno, Bouruet-Aubertot Pascale, Cuypers Yannis, Vic Clement (2021). Improving Microstructure Shear Data Processing in Ocean Turbulence. SEANOE.

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