Rainbow massif (Middle Atlantic Ridge 36 14'N): AUV IdefX Microbathymetry and Acoustic Backscatter

Near-bottom multibeam bathymetry and acoustic backscatter acquired at the Rainbow Massif  (Mid-Atlantic Ridge). High-resolution bathymetry data (2 m/pixel) were acquired by the autonomous 
underwater vehicle (AUV) IdefX, deployed during the ARC-EN-SUB (https://doi.org/10.17600/18000663)  cruise in May 2022. The dataset consists of grids for each individual AUV dive, as well as a global grid merging the ten completed dives. This global grid was obtained by manually shifting and combining original bathymetric grids of each dive using other datasets (primarily shipboard bathymetry from Paulatto et al. [2015]) for geographical reference. The combined grid shows the inter-dive shift artefacts, absent in the individual dive grids. Elevation grids are provided for each AUV dive without interpolation (fillgap 0), with medium (fillgap 3) and high (fillgap 15) interpolation.Acoustic backscatter grids are edited without interpolation (fillgap 0).

All grids are provided in NETCDF GMT .grd format, and with two associated GEOTIFFS with the bathymetry DEM, the acoustic backscatter, and the hillshade (illumination) file. 

All grids are given in WGS84 (WGS 84 - WGS84 - EPSG:4326), in projection Mercator.


Marine geology


Multibeam bathymetry, AUV, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Oceanic Core Complex, Hydrothermal Activity, Detachment fault, Tectonics, Volcanism


36.3N, 36.1S, -33E, -33.9W


AUV IdefX with a Kongsberg Reson SMF EM2040 multibeam system.


FileSizeFormatProcessingAccessend of embargo
High-resolution multibeam bathymetry and acoustic backscatter acquired at the Rainbow Massif (Mid-Atlantic Ridge) by Autonomous Underwater Vehicle.
736 MoGMT NETCDFProcessed data 2025-12-01
How to cite
Avoustin Marianne, Gini Caroline, Andreani Muriel, Escartin Javier (2022). Rainbow massif (Middle Atlantic Ridge 36 14'N): AUV IdefX Microbathymetry and Acoustic Backscatter. SEANOE. https://doi.org/10.17882/89445

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