Data for "Identifying priority areas to manage mobile bottom fishing on seabed carbon in the UK"

Associated data and R code for the paper Epstein & Roberts 2022 - Identifying priority areas to manage mobile bottom fishing on seabed carbon in the UK. This repository contains the primary output data from a desk-based investigation of seabed sediment organic carbon (OC) and mobile demeresal fishing in the UKEEZ. Best available published datasets were combined to produce unified maps of predicted seabed OC stocks, mean annual mobile bottom fishing disturbance, mean value of fish landed by mobile bottom fishing, and mean annual cummulative disturbance to seabed carbon from mobile bottom fishing. This data was combined with modeling of estimated fishing displacement to idenitfy priority areas for managmement and/or future research. For further methodological information please refer to the full paper published at PLOS Climate. 


Fisheries and aquaculture, Cross-discipline, Environment


Marine, Blue carbon, Organic carbon, Sediment, Seabed, Fishing, Bottom fishing, Conservation, Fisheries management


63.8875N, 47.4354S, 3.4E, -14.8973W


ZIP file containing all output data, R code and associated metadata
91 MoZIP File
How to cite
Epstein Graham, Roberts Callum M. (2022). Data for "Identifying priority areas to manage mobile bottom fishing on seabed carbon in the UK". SEANOE.
In addition to properly cite this dataset, it would be appreciated that the following work(s) be cited too, when using this dataset in a publication :
Epstein Graham, Roberts Callum M. (2022). Identifying priority areas to manage mobile bottom fishing on seabed carbon in the UK. PLOS Climate, 1 (9).

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