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CLIM-EPARSES 1 cruise: S-ADCP data
Measurements of the currents were collected with the Ship-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (S-ADCP) in the Indian Ocean and Mozambique Channel during the CLIM-EPARSES 1 cruise carried out in April 2019 onboard the R.V. Marion-Dufresne in the framework of the CLIM-EPARSES project (PI A.Tribollet/IRD-LOCEAN). The project CLIM-EPARSES aims at evaluating the impact of global change (warming, acidification) over the last decades on the coral reef ecosystems in the Eparses Islands (Scattered Islands). This page is dedicated to the S-ADCP data recorded during the cruise.
Biological oceanography, Chemical oceanography, Physical oceanography, Atmosphere
Indian Ocean, Eparses Islands, Mozambique channel, Current S-ADCP
-11N, -26S, 55E, 40W
S-ADCP sensor: RD-VM OS150