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observations on a flow through a contraction and over a bottom elevation in the Aegean Sea – East Mediterranean
A CTD/ADCP/surface-drifter survey in fall 2004 reveals the behavior of a mesoscale unidirectional flow coming from the Cretan sea in the south with depths ~1000 m and entering a channel-like area of the Cycladic shelf in the north that forms a contraction leading to a bottom elevation (sill depth ~100 m) and then a return into the Cretan Sea in the lee-side of the sill.
hydraulics of marine flows
39.423393N, 32.31027S, 31.816406E, 19.863281W
Zipped data of CTD profiles, ADCP profiles and drifter tracks
CTD data (SBE 9 plus unit)
1st line : latitude (east), longitude (north), bottom depth (m), cast depth (dbar), cast depth, year-
2000, month, day, local hour, local minute
Rest of lines:
Pressure (dbar), Potential temperature (o C), salinity, potential density, dissolved oxygen ml/m, %
light transmission, beam attenuation coefficient, fluorescence
The O2, transmission, attenuation and fluorescence data have not been through quality control.
ADCP data (RDI 150 kHz instrument)
1st line: station name (label), latitude east, longitude north, number of data lines, bottom depth (m),
year-2000, month, day, local hour, local minute
Rest of lines:
Depth (m), velocity magnitude, velocity direction (degrees true), u component (east-west), v component
Drifter track data:
Drifters 1 and 6 (surface tracks) in the upper 5-8 m and 15-20 m respectively. Drifters 8 and 9
(deeper tracks) in the layer 60-80 m.
All lines:
Drifter number, year, month, day, local hour, min, sec, longitude (east), latitude (north)