ABRACOS 2 cruise. Acoustic data

The ABRACOS (Acoustics along the BRAzilian COaSt) cruise aims to begin an integrated approach to monitoring the tropical marine ecosystems in the Brazilian Nordeste region in order to better understand the connectivity between the sub-systems composing it. In particular, this cruise should fill this gap and improve understanding of the degree of connectivity which exists between the oceanic islands and the continental margin in the Nordeste of Brazil, as well as within the continental platform. In this context, the main objective of the ABRACOS cruise consisted in drawing up a 3D characterization of abiotic and biotic compartments and their interactions in the Brazilian Nordeste.


Fisheries and aquaculture




-3N, -10S, -31.5E, -36.5W


Four calibrated EK60 echosounders at 38, 70, 120, 200 kHz. Hull mounted system on research vessel ANTEA.


Echo integrated (Back scatter) data from EK60 calibrated echosounder at 0.1 NM by 5 meters resolution grid
589 MoNetCDFProcessed data
How to cite
Bertrand Arnaud, Roudaut Gildas, Lebourges-Dhaussy Anne, Vargas Gary, Grelet Jacques (2017). ABRACOS 2 cruise. Acoustic data. SEANOE. https://doi.org/10.17882/91135

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