HIPPO environmental monitoring: Impact of phytoplankton dynamics on water column chemistry and the sclerochronology of the king scallop (Pecten maximus) as a biogenic archive for past primary production reconstructions

Given the importance of phytoplankton for marine ecosystems (oxygen production, carbon sequestration, base of food webs, etc.), many studies focus on the reconstruction of its past temporal dynamics. Over the last decades, important changes of these dynamics have been observed, both in the phenology of the blooms and in the composition of microalgal communities. However, currently available data do not allow to go back far enough in time to quantify the actual impact of anthropogenic activities on these changes. However, the structural and/or chemical studies of the shell of the king scallop, Pecten maximus, hold the potential to cover this lack of data and provide informations about the environment they experienced.

In order to better understand the processes which drive the incorporation of chemical elements into scallop shells and their links with phytoplankton dynamics, an environmental monitoring was conducted at Lanvéoc (Bay of Brest; France; 48°17'39"N - 04°27'12"W) between March and October 2021. During this survey, water samples from surface and bottom layers were collected in a bi-weekly or a weekly basis in order to analyse various environmental parameters (nutrients, phytoplankton dynamics, trace element concentration in the particulate and dissolved fraction, particulate organic carbone and nitrogen, chlorophyll, pheophytin, biogenic silicon, etc.). A sediment trap has also been used to better understand the chemical dynamics of the sedimenting matter. Simultaneously, several instruments, such as an Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP6) and sambat probes, were deployed at Lanvéoc throughout the year and continuously recorded additional parameters (particle concentration, temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, etc.). Furthermore, scallops which experienced one winter season (age-class I) were deposited at the beginning of the survey both in direct contact with the substract and in a cage, located 1 m above it. At the end of the monitoring, these scallops were recovered and their growth rates as well as the chemical composition of their calcitic stuctures were measured in a daily basis.

In addition to the objectives of the HIPPO project, the dataset that is available here can potentially be very useful for other scientists performing sclerochronological investigations, studying biogeochemical cycles or conducting various ecological research projects.


Chemical oceanography, Biological oceanography


environmental monitoring, phytoplankton dynamics, Pecten maximus, sclerochronology, trace elements, water column chemistry, bay of brest


48.323539N, 48.2798S, -4.387549E, -4.514517W


Environmental parameters
5 KoCSVProcessed data
Particle concentration
1 MoCSVProcessed data
Sambat probe data
1 MoCSVProcessed data
Sediment trap data
69 KoCSVProcessed data
Shell growth rates
22 KoCSVProcessed data
Trace elements_shell A_cage
22 KoCSVProcessed data
Trace elements_shell B_cage
10 KoCSVProcessed data
Trace elements_shell C_cage
11 KoCSVProcessed data
Trace elements_shell D_sediment
11 KoCSVProcessed data
Trace elements_shell E_sediment
22 KoCSVProcessed data
Trace elements_shell F_sediment
16 KoCSVProcessed data
Trace elements water column
45 KoCSVProcessed data
How to cite
Siebert Valentin, Moriceau Brivaëla, Fröhlich Lukas, Schöne Bernd R., Amice Erwan, Beker Beatriz, Bihannic Kevin, Bihannic Isabelle, Delebecq Gaspard, Devesa Jérémy, Gallinari Morgane, Germain Yoan, Grossteffan Émilie, Jochum Klaus-Peter, Lebec Thierry, Le Goff Manon, Leynaert Aude, Liorzou Céline, Marec Claudie, Picheral Marc, Rimmelin-Maury Peggy, Rouget Marie-Laure, Waeles Matthieu, Thébault Julien (2023). HIPPO environmental monitoring: Impact of phytoplankton dynamics on water column chemistry and the sclerochronology of the king scallop (Pecten maximus) as a biogenic archive for past primary production reconstructions. SEANOE. https://doi.org/10.17882/92043
In addition to properly cite this dataset, it would be appreciated that the following work(s) be cited too, when using this dataset in a publication :
Siebert Valentin, Moriceau Brivaëla, Fröhlich Lukas, Schöne Bernd R., Amice Erwan, Beker Beatriz, Bihannic Kevin, Bihannic Isabelle, Delebecq Gaspard, Devesa Jérémy, Gallinari Morgane, Germain Yoan, Grossteffan Émilie, Jochum Klaus Peter, Le Bec Thierry, Le Goff Manon, Liorzou Céline, Leynaert Aude, Marec Claudie, Picheral Marc, Rimmelin-Maury Peggy, Rouget Marie-Laure, Waeles Matthieu, Thébault Julien (2023). HIPPO environmental monitoring: Impact of phytoplankton dynamics on water column chemistry and the sclerochronology of the king scallop (Pecten maximus) as a biogenic archive for past primary production reconstructions. https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-2023-39

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