Current at Eastern margin of the Strait of Gibraltar | Oct 1995 - Mar 1998

Point-wise currentmeter collected at the eastern margin of the Strait of Gibraltar in the frame of the CANIGO project during years 1995 - 1998. Three different location are represented, at north (N), center (C1, C2) and south (S) along a cross section east of Tarifa. In each station data come from a different number (5 to 7) of fixed Anderaa current meters, grouped in four different zip files. Data consist in nx7 matrices, where the 7 fields are time (Matlab serial format), temperature (ºC), salinity (ppm), zonal and meridional current (cm/s), Potential density anomaly (kg/m3) and depth (m - positive downwards).


Physical oceanography


Strait of Gibraltar, Eastern margin, Currentmeter


36.064471N, 35.891739S, -5.362312E, -5.500426W


Anderaa currentmeter


Eastern margin - South (6 files)
511 KoMatlabProcessed data
Eastern margin - North (25 files)
3 MoMatlabProcessed data
Eastern margin - Center (2 sets of 6 and 7 files)
1 MoMatlabProcessed data
How to cite
García-Lafuente Jesús (2023). Current at Eastern margin of the Strait of Gibraltar | Oct 1995 - Mar 1998. SEANOE.

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