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Flowcytometry Data set from "Objectif Plancton project" 2018-2021. Bay of Brest
Results of phytoplankton description by imaging flowcytometry (Cytosense from Cytobuoy). Water sampling were made during the "Objectif plancton" project from 2018 to 2021 ( At low water, a synoptic sampling throughout the bay was conducted by citizens (17+ sampling stations). Samples were then fixed (between 15 min and 1 h after sampling) and stored (liquid N). After the flowcytometry analysis, a manual clustering was performed and groups were labelled following Thyssen et al. (2022) Images of the largest cell were also taken during the analysis. Images can be cropped or uncropped acccording to the export file. A synthetic file (CSV) was made for an easy use. Raw and exported files are avaible in *tar archives.
Biological oceanography
flowcytometry, Bay of Brest, image, cytosense, phytoplankton, objectif plancton
48.423539N, 48.2798S, -4.187549E, -4.564517W
Cytosense from cytobuoy