Laser grain-size, X-Ray Fluorescence and MSCL data of core MOZ3-CS07 (PAMELA project) from a contourite system located in the Limpopo Corridor (Mozambique margin)

This data are acquired on the piston core MOZ3-CS07 collected during the PAMELA-MOZ3 cruise (Passive Margins Exploration Laboratories project; Moulin and Aslanian, 2016) to characterized a foraminiferal sandy contourite located in the Limpopo Corridor (Indian Ocean, Mozambique margin).


Marine geology


Laser grain-size, X-Ray Fluorescence, MSCL, Contourite, Indian Ocean, Mozambique margin


-25.291835N, -26.0207S, 37.132191E, 36.332386W


_X-Ray Fluorescence analysis were performed with the Avaatech X-Ray Core Scanner from Ifremer (Brest). It correspond to processed data only relevant elements (in cps) are indicated.
_Physical parameters were acquired with a Multi-Sensor Core Logger (MSCL Geotek Ltd) at Ifremer (Brest). It correspond to processed data.
_Laser grain-size analysis were performed on bulk sediment with the ©Malvern 2000G from UMR Geo-Ocean (Brest).


This file contain laser grain-size, X-Ray Fluorescence and MSCL data
1 MoXLS, XLSXProcessed data
How to cite
Lopes Ugo, Babonneau Nathalie, Révillon Sidonie, Raisson François, Miramontes Elda, Rabineau Marina, Aslanian Daniel, Moulin Maryline (2020). Laser grain-size, X-Ray Fluorescence and MSCL data of core MOZ3-CS07 (PAMELA project) from a contourite system located in the Limpopo Corridor (Mozambique margin). SEANOE.

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