Satellite Altimetry and Hydrodynamic Model derived Accurate Dynamic Topography utilizing Marine Geoid Model In Baltic Sea (2017-2019)

Accurate determination of dynamic topography (DT) is expected to quantify a realistic sea surface, with respect to its vertical datum, and in identifying sub-mesoscale features of ocean dynamics. This dataset contains DT derived using satellite altimetry (SA) along-track data from Sentinel- 3A (S3A), Sentinel-3B (S3B), and Jason-3 (JA3) for the period 2017‒2019 over the Baltic Sea with respect to a high-resolution marine geoid model (NKG2015). To assess the SA-derived DT accuracy they have been compared with DT derived from a tide gauge (TG) corrected hydrodynamic model (HDM). The HDM model contains the Nemo-Nordic NS01 data assimilated model developed by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI which has been corrected at the time and location of each SA pass and cycle utilizing hourly observation of 73 tide gauge stations over the Baltic Sea using the methodology described in "" paper by Mostafavi M. et al., (2023). The DT can alternatively be converted to Sea Surface Height (SSH) by adding the geoid height value derived from the NKG2015 geoid model available in the dataset. Please refer to readme.txt for a full description.


Physical oceanography, Cross-discipline, Environment


Dynamic Topography, Geoid, Baltic Sea, Satellite Altimetry, Hydrodynamic Model, Land uplift, NKG2015, Nemo-Nordic, Sentinel-3B, Sentinel-3A, Jason-3, Absolute Sea Level, Sea Surface Height


65.8N, 53.75S, 30E, 12W


Satellite Altimetry data include:

ALES+SAR retrecker for Sentinel-3B,Sentinel-3A and ALES+ retracker for Jason-3. All SA data are in 20Hz and the outliers and gross errors are exlcuded.


Jason-3 mission data
296 MoCSVProcessed data
Sentinel-3A mission data
176 MoCSVProcessed data
Sentinel-3B mission data
33 MoCSVProcessed data
data description
How to cite
Mostafavi Majid (2022). Satellite Altimetry and Hydrodynamic Model derived Accurate Dynamic Topography utilizing Marine Geoid Model In Baltic Sea (2017-2019). SEANOE.

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