Stable isotope ratios of C, N and S in fauna sampled at the Vestbrona Carbonate Field (Norway)

This dataset contains stable isotope ratios of C, N and S in several macrofaunal taxa sampled at the Vestbrona carbonate field, a methane seep are off the coast of Norway.

All details about sampling and analyses can be found in the article "Lack of detectable chemosynthesis at a sponge dominated subarctic methane seep" by Melina Sinner, Wei Li Hong, Loïc N. Michel, Sunil Vadakkepuliyambatta, Jochen Knies and Arunima Sen (currently under revision for Frontiers in Marine Sciences).

A full term description of the terms used in the dataset is available at


Biological oceanography


stable isotopes, food webs, methane seep, deep sea, marine ecology


63.4662N, 63.3627S, 6.6264E, 6.5191W


Isotope data
7 KoCSVProcessed data
How to cite
Sinner Melina, Hong WeiLi, Michel Loïc, Vadakkepuliyambatta Sunil, Knies Jochen, Sen Arunima (2020). Stable isotope ratios of C, N and S in fauna sampled at the Vestbrona Carbonate Field (Norway). SEANOE.

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