Data for the determination of the reaction norms of the Pacific oyster and the European flat oyster in response to ocean acidification

Dataset associated to : Caillon, C., Pernet, F., Lutier, M., and Di Poi, C. Reaction norms of two oyster species from different habitats in response to ocean acidification, in submission.

The database contains data from:

1. seawater physico-chemical parameters during the acclimation period,

2. oyster survival during the acclimation period,

3. biometrics of oyster species,

4. shell coloration of oyster species,

5. composition of the membrane fatty acids of oyster species,

6. temporal evolution of the phytoplankton cell volume,

7. fatty acid composition of phytoplankton,

8. energy reserves of oyster species.


Biological oceanography


Bivalve, Bleaching, Fatty acid, Mollusc, Ocean acidification, Oyster, Plasticity, Reaction norm, Tipping point, Threshold


48.36222N, 48.36222S, -4.56362E, -4.56362W


database (Excel format)
384 KoXLS, XLSXRaw data
database (CSV format)
65 KoCSVRaw data
How to cite
Caillon Coline, Pernet Fabrice, Diagne Moussa, Huber Matthias, Le Grand Jacqueline, Le Roy Valerian, Queau Isabelle, Quere Claudie, Lutier Mathieu, Di poi Broussard Carole (2023). Data for the determination of the reaction norms of the Pacific oyster and the European flat oyster in response to ocean acidification. SEANOE.

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