40Ar/39Ar ages and major elements composition of basalts of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge axis

Ages obtained through the 40Ar/39Ar method for basalt samples with the Nautile submersible along the axis of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of the Romanche transform fault.

Major elements measurements were performed on the same samples.

For a complete description of the method and discussion of results, please refer to the Grenet et al. 2023 article.


Marine geology


Mid-oceanic ridges, transform faults, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Romanche transform fault, Equatorial Atlantic, Argon ages, Major elements, Axial volcanism, Volcanology


0.5N, -0.5S, -16E, -17.15W


Summary of 40Ar/39Ar data from incremental heating experiments on groundmass splits
149 KoXLS, XLSXProcessed data
Major elements of the dated samples
39 KoXLS, XLSXProcessed data
How to cite
Grenet Lea, Maia Marcia, Hamelin Cédric, Briais Anne, Guillou Hervé, Scao Vincent, Brunelli Daniele (2023). 40Ar/39Ar ages and major elements composition of basalts of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge axis. SEANOE. https://doi.org/10.17882/95914

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