SMARTIES cruise - Nautile videos of the axial domain of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of the Romanche transform fault

Videos recorded during the SMARTIES cruise with the Nautile cameras (fixed and mobile) during dives along the axial domain of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of Romanche transform fault. The following dives are part of this datatset:

  • SMA-1970
  • SMA-1973
  • SMA-1974
  • SMA-1975
  • SMA-1976
  • SMA-1977
  • SMA-1978
  • SMA-1979
  • SMA-1980

These videos illustrate different volcanic structures along the neo-volcanic zone of the ridge axis. The dives explored two non-transform discontinuities and two ridge segments between Romanche and Chain transform faults (RC-2 and RC-3). Dives SMA-1970 , SMA-1976 and SMA-1980 explored volcanic formations inside a large non-transform discontinuity between segments RC-1 and RC-2. Dive SMA-1978 explored the floor of the discontinuity between segments RC-2 and RC-3. Dives SMA-1973, SMA-1974, SMA-1975 and SMA-1979 explored different parts of the neo-volcanic ridge of segment RC-2. Dive SMA-1977 explored volcanic formations in the northern part of segment RC-3. The detailed study of these videos were published in Grenet et al., 2023 associated paper.


Marine geology


Mid-oceanic ridges, transform faults, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Romanche transform fault, Equatorial Atlantic, Marine geology, video recordings, Nautile submersible, axial volcanic processes, Tectonics


0.5N, -0.5S, -16E, -17.15W


Video camera of Nautile, HD. Both the fixed and the mobile cameras were used to record these videos.


Video recording of the dive SMA-1970
13 GoVIDEORaw data
Video recording of the dive SMA-1973
14 GoVIDEORaw data
Video recording of the dive SMA-1974
12 GoVIDEORaw data
Video recording of the dive SMA-1975
12 GoVIDEORaw data
Video recording of the dive SMA-1976
13 GoVIDEORaw data
Video recording of the dive SMA-1977
14 GoVIDEORaw data
Video recording of the dive SMA-1978
12 GoVIDEORaw data
Video recording of the dive SMA-1979
14 GoVIDEORaw data
Video recording of the dive SMA-1980
13 GoVIDEORaw data
How to cite
Maia Marcia, Brunelli Daniele, Grenet Lea, Briais Anne, Hamelin Cedric (2023). SMARTIES cruise - Nautile videos of the axial domain of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of the Romanche transform fault. SEANOE.

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